Organic Gardening Is Made Cheap With Worms for Composting

If you are tired spending a big sum of money just to ensure your organic garden is healthy, well, worm farming is an amazing alternative that gives what you want. Other people think this to be daunting, though, this will turn interesting once you get started. So, what will you do to start your own worm farming?

First things first, choose a spot where you'll place your project. When planning to have a healthy compost worm, you need to make sure that they don't get too hot. So, place your worm farm under a shade.

Now that you just find the right place for your worm bed, you need now to consider the foods to feed your Worms. There is no actually a particular food that these worms want to eat. You can feed them with food wastes. They will do with crushed eggs, bread, tea bags, juice pulp and fruits and vegetables peeling. You can also give them soiled paper or cardboard just like what's used in egg trays. Aside from knowing their favorites, you need also to know what are the foods that they least like. They don't eat dairy products, bones, fat, meat and fish. Garlic, onion, citrus and oily foods are also their disliked foods.

Of course, you need a worm bin for this kind of project. In the market, you will find plenty of choices for commercial worm bins. But when you can't afford these commercial bins, then you can construct your own through boxes or create a worm bed. There are several types, sizes and shapes for homemade boxes. At the bottom of these boxes, create holes where the water can go out and airing for the worms. When it comes to the covering, you can choose to use an underfelt or lid. To catch liquid as well as to provide drainage, the box should have a base.

Now, you will need bedding for your Red Wigglers worm farm. One of the best bedding to use is from leaves, paper and finished compost. To allow the worms to move easily around the bedding, then torn the bedding easily. Also, soak it with water first before you place them into the box. The bedding should be 10 to 15 cm deep.

Place the worms after preparing all of these things. When placing the worms, be sure to place it carefully on the surface. It is recommended to farm at least one thousand worms.

When it comes to their food, add a small amount of kitchen wastes on a regular basis. The food you place inside should be covered with a bedding material. Make sure that you don't place too much food all at once. When there is no food left, then give them another supply. 

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